Wednesday, 22 February 2012


If you have a secret, then forget it. Or ensure that it does not remain a secret for very long. Secrets are essentially pieces of information kept away from the public eye for a limited time. For remains secret for very long. we are only immortal for a limited time, in other words, we can only hold onto a secret as long as we still breath. We do everything to hold onto it, even though we will one day lose it. Think of it as like a hedgehog in the headlights of a car. It will do everything to avoid it, but that car will hit it. The impact itself then represents the end of the secret, and the birth of another public fact, thus ending the secret. So in other words, don't bother with secrets, it's something we will never be able to fully get to grips with, the concept will forever avoid us.
All for the fact that the lust for knowledge drives us in our everyday pursuits in life.


the bin men

(Peach Ice-Tea)

Tomorrow is not certain.

But it will be unique. I am quite sure of this.

Tomorrow will not happen for all.

I’ll admit that the structure of tomorrow will be quite the same as today.

Tomorrow is [Thursday].

But tomorrow will not be tomorrow. It will be today.

It will still be [Thursday].

It is never as good as I think it will be, because it is not tomorrow, it is today.

Looking forward is wonderful.

I’m not overly sure that tomorrow even exists.

It has an annoying habit of continually turning into today.

Only little things change from day to day.

The little things that will happen and be soon forgot.

But I hope tomorrow to be different.

I wonder if Dad’s bought some milk.

If he hasn’t, then I’m not having cereal tomorrow.

Tomorrow is a recurring theme in my life.

It’s like ‘Waiting for Godot’. It is waiting for Godot.

For once, I’d like to reject tomorrow…

Cast it out.

Not even care or think about it.

Like a forgotten soldier.

Tomorrow doesn’t exist!

There is only one state – the present. The now.

The past is a memory. The now gone forever.

Tomorrow is at best: a guess.

But tomorrow the bin men will block my bus again.

Tomorrow means the milk goes off.

Tomorrow is an early start.

Tomorrow is an apology.

There will be no surprises!

I’d quite like to not be tired.

Tomorrow is tomorrow and today is today.

Tomorrow I will buy a ham and cheese sandwich and a peach ice-tea.

I will ask at least three people how their day was and pretend to listen to the answer.

I will wake up, stare in the mirror, run the tap in my bathroom sink until it is full, take a deep breath, and stick my head in.

Precious time.

I think tomorrow I will go for a walk.


Thursday, 16 February 2012


I didn't really think it was that big a secret. I thought it was obvious. My secret, this thing I have, it's secretly placed in a secret place that is secret. Well, actually, I'm sure you all know by now.
I thought I knew who would be able to keep my secret. I thought I had trust in you, but it's clear now. There's no point in thinking about you anymore, it doesn't make me feel safe anymore. I'm sorry my secret wasn't good enough for you.


Don't tell...Promise?

Never tell Sara a secret, because it won't stay that way for long.

I never thought I had many secrets, but I have had one for a while. I don't...haven't, told many people because they usually overreact, and they tell me it's a big deal. I guess I've never seen it that way.
When you're young, the secrets we keep are menial, unimportant. But as we get older, they grow more and more serious. People judge, have opinions.

Some of our secrets need to be shared, or exposed, when is the right time for something private, best made public?
And what, what is our obsession with knowing other people's business?



I don't have any secrets...I don't know any secrets...I feel a bit left out.
I'm sure I've been told secrets...Or had them, but it seems that I've apparently forgotten them, or, that particular secret has rectified itself.../maybe it's for the better. I hope, assuming of course I had forgotten the secret, that the secret has diminished over time, because I don't want to think of myself as forgetful...If that was the case, I wouldn't like to forget simple things so easily...Like....Sunday! I'm seeing Nan Sunday afternoon...Thank Christ I can remember that! She might have been a bit annoyed if I didn't turn up.


What I think about secrets

This is what I think about secrets. Secrets are mostly exciting because if someone tells you that they are going to give you a secret, you would think that they are going to say something special, exciting or unusual. Usually when someone has a secret they usually keep it to themselves and if they do want to tell a secret to someone they usually whisper it to them or go to a special room with them where no one else can hear it. Secrets can either be good or probably not so good. 



It's human nature to want to know secrets. Curiosity is such a very human trait, though we are far from the only species to experience it, and it's curiosity that drives us to learn. To learn the traits and secrets of others, as if by doing so we make ourselves intrinsically linked to the other person and their thoughts. Those basic human instincts often do battle with more modern aspects of humanity: guilt, morality, duty, respect. Sometimes when we gain knowledge we immediately wish to give it back.

But what is seen cannot be unseen. What is heard cannot be unheard. What is spoken cannot be unsaid. You cannot undo the past. Once that thought, that idea is created in the open world - it cannot be destroyed.

Sharing a secret is sharing trust. Showing that you trust someone enough to give them some responsibility for that secret.

When you have a secret, it is often so very hard not to share it, to share the load. Like spreading butter on toast so it's not stuck in one lump. And if you want to share it badly enough, it will melt away, out of your control. Things will start to slip. But if the need to keep that secret is through your whole consciousness, your whole being, then it will not slip away - for the bread will not have been toasted.


Whispers behind locked doors.

The best-kept secret is the one you keep  your self. It strikes me that secrets and lies tend to go together. What do we associate with that word? Dark rooms, hushed voices, shadowy figures. The idea behind the ‘secret’ Strikes me as a very film noir concept. Detectives. Their job to uncover the facts and truths those, which would best be left alone. There are secret makers and secret solvers. The are also the secret breakers. It’s impossible to mend a broken one. Once it’s been told no amount of effort will mend it. A secret is like Humpty Dumpty. Is your thought is far less concealed than you sub-conscious which can be analysed by any number of physiologists but still remain an enigma. The best secret keeper is the one who forgets. If one party has forgotten and thus only the original party is aware of the fact is it still by definition a secret? Does it lose its status? Or because one person is still aware of it being told retains it by default? If a product claims to be the ‘Worst kept secret’ I mistrust it. Why? Because why go to all that expense and bother to be the worst secret keeper. Their not trying to keep it any more thus it has ceased. They failed in one aspect how can I expect that they will succeed in others? How can I trust them now? Is the intent greater than the thing itself?


Memories and Mistakes

 I am myself because it's the only person who understands me,
I can't write me on paper but who I think I am is different.
What I used to be and who I am now is an influence of fifteen years experience...
but that time keeps moving forward.
What I thought was an easy task of writing has turned my head into a frenzy because that is who I am.
I am different and yet I am the same.
I am so very hard to understand I begin to question myself.
I am silly and I am clumsy and I am frustrating,
I am my memories and mistakes.
I haven't always the confidence to be myself but I can be whoever I want to be.
I am the beginning and the end.
I can hide
I can put a smile on my face
I am the person you think I am.


Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Lost and Found

I suppose a secret is what we almost certainly can't keep.
As much as I try, a secret is my guilty instinct of sharing and while I know it can't be told because it's not mine, I feel the need to share. 
Secrets are maybe the bonds and breaks of friendship, what we hide and what we share immediately give us a persona and deliberate intentions of right and wrong. 
Secrets scare us because they take away our comforts and first thoughts.
They make us interpret people in different ways, and confirm our being.
Secrets force us to conform or go against what is wanted and yet they just seem to bleak our happiness. 
What we think will help another only makes our thoughts worse. 
Secrets are lost and found like memories and change us for better or worse. 
A secret is a gift and a curse, you can be trusted but untrustworthy, it can be a lie but told with truth.


Chinese Whispers

Secrets don't exist. A secret, essentially is a fact and nothing else. A fact you keep to your self or, alternatively blurt out to everyone you meet. We have this need to tell this fact to people, whether this is for comfort or to gain something I am not sure.

If you are asked that infamous question 'can you keep a secret?' what should your answer be? It is clear that by this person asking if you can keep a secret it is fair to suggest that they cannot. It is just one big game of chinese whispers, the question is, do you really want to play?

We live in a society that is haunted by other peoples secrets, and it is not just this which is worrying. Has it been made clear to you that the word 'privacy' is becoming extinct. No one trusts anyone and at all times, no matter where you are you are being watched, and not just by other people, by camera's as well.

Soon words will be lifted from the dictionary as they will no longer exist...
are words of the past, and we need to decide whether we are ok with this, or not.

Secrets don't exist. Fact.


A sister and a daughter

I am a sister and a daughter.

I am my inheritance and a mismatch of people.
I am my gran’s eyes, my dad’s nose and my brother's competitive streak.
I am new and I can never be repeated.
I will be remembered and I will be forgotten.
I am a work in progress.
I am incomplete.


I'm fine thanks

What happens when you are told a secret that you never wanted to know?
Do you still have the same responsibility to keep it?
Who is to take responsibility for a secret, whose fault is it if this private thought becomes public one, the first or the second party?
Is it the second for allowing the secret to become a public fact or the first for choosing the wrong person to tell?
I don't have any secrets, at least I don't think I do and if I did, I wouldn't tell anyone because they belong to me.


By-passing my amplifier

For those of you who picked up the 1976 edition of
 'Hodder and Stoughton Basic Electronics - Vol. 6'.
Here is a passage:

“The S-DeC layout of the circuit, fig. J6.3, shows a one-way intercom; there is obviously no way that the listener can reply with this arrangement. However, if a two pole, two way switch of the type illustrated in fig. J6.4 is used, then either loudspeaker may be switched to the send or receive position; that is, terminals 1 of the switch could connect to the output terminals indicated in fig. J6.5. However, it is possible that both switches may be at send or receive, in which case the amplifier is by-passed. How do you overcome this?”


An attention-seekers weapon of choice

Secrets are a bad idea. As soon as you are told a secret, it becomes your secret. And more often than not you don't really want one. Secrets are a tool. They are used against you even if you don't know them. Secrets exclude people. Secrets aren't needed. Secrets are an attention-seekers weapon of choice. They separate people. Sometimes they ruin people. Nothing is secret but everything is private until you choose to make it public.


Stay on Topic...

© John Sherffius

Newspapers don't have secrets; they just have unreported news. The same for Tv and Radio. In the Anonymous protests and the Occupy protests, the news reported the first couple of days and then simply dropped it from every report!
The protests went on for months – through Christmas and New years.
Here on the small island of Jersey; I once believed that the protests were over!
Unreported News is the worst kind of secret.
The invention of the 'follow-up' article was the death of journalism.

Is Censorship a secret?
Censorship is used to protect us?
What if I don't want this 'protection', where’s the opt-out button?
Sure you can report on the horrible deaths, killings and genocides, but when an individual speaks out against the government, ██ CENSORED ██

When is a secret illegal?
Plotting to bomb a bank is just as bad as actually destroying the bank?
A 'Terrorist' plot is just as bad as a 'Terrorist' attack‽
'Terrorism' is a word we know too little about, the word the media taught us.
They use it to keep us in place.
I can film in the town square, because 'Terrorists' may use the footage to plan a bombing! I'm not allowed toothpaste on a plane because 'Terrorists' may use it to create a bomb!

Stepping out of line in public means you're a 'Terrorist'. Climbing that statue in the park means you're a 'Terrorist'!

“Get down, it's dangerous, you could hurt yourself” the policeman says.
You're a policeman, I could tell you that your profession is dangerous, that you could hurt yourself!

I've gone a bit off topic...
Appearances hide secrets.
I'm not as well read as I present myself.
I'm not as smart, I just pretend I am.
I don't have opinions, just what I read and what the government tells me.

I can never stay on topic, but that's no secret. 


Would you like to share anything with the group?

I have secrets. Everyone does. Even if they think they don't, they do; they just haven't realised yet. Some secrets are so secret you don't even know they are there.

I have secrets. But I'm not going to tell you what they are. If I told you my secrets they wouldn't be secret anymore. Secrets don't have witnesses.

Secret is different from "private" and it's a world away from "confidential". I am not sure why though. But there wouldn't be other words if they were the same thing. If I tell you something in confidence it isn't a secret. My act of sharing voids its identity as such. I have told you. Therefore it isn't secret.
I don't know how to make it more clear.

I could tell you my secrets. But I would have to lie. Or not. You wouldn't know any different.


Tell me What you Want me to Hear

'I have a secret, but i can't tell you'- How irritating. 
Can someone hold a secret? 
How long can you hold one? 
How long can I hold one? 

Trust- I give you a secret based on trust. 
I cannot speak for you, but I'm like a bank, a secret is a mortgage and trust is a credit rating.

You can exchange secrets. 
A secret could be the most valuable thing. 
'And the truth will set you free' 
Does it? 


Hidden Facts

Secrets can be many things. Is a secret still a secret when it is mentioned in the newspaper even if they do not use people's names?
Does a secret stop being a secret if someone knows? Or does 2, 3 or even 4 people need to know for it to be solid fact?

I believe a secret stops being a secret when someone not involved in the intended group spreads it. I also believe that if you can forget a secret you never wanted to know then you should. spreading a secret makes you more familiar with it so if you are looking to forget then the best thing to do is to kick back and take your mind off it.



Friends are obliged to keep secrets.
You immediately lose trust in somebody when they decide to make something you told them that is private, public.
Secrets are called secrets for a reason.
When you're told a secret in confidence. Keep it.
The secret to success is.. well I can't tell you that. It's a secret


Just don't tell me

Can you keep a secret? I can't. It is or it was. It can be, it is private, well sometimes. If you know a secret is it still a secret? Nothing can be a secret, perhaps it is a thought that can be either told or kept private.

I can't tell you it’s a secret. That's what they say but then they go on to tell you the 'secret'. I don't want to know. I don't know who you're talking about. I don't really even know you. But now because of you we have this 'bond' over a 'secret' that I didn't want to know in the first place. So I personally think that’s a great way to start a friendship. Or not.

Did you hear about? Yes. What about? No. Well I heard that… Wait do you want me to keep this private or ‘secret’ as you like to say. Yes. Well just don’t tell me then I can promise not to tell another.


Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Moderato Cantabile - Marguerite Duras

Extract from page 100 of the English translation

People laugh. Somewhere around the table, a woman. Little by little the chorus of conversation grows louder and, with considerable effort and ingenuity, some sort of society emerges. Landmarks are discovered, cracks open, allowing familiarities to slip in. And little by little a generally biased and individually noncommittal conversation builds up. It will be a successful party. The women bask in their own brilliance. The men have covered them with jewels according to their salaries. Tonight one of them suspects he may have made a mistake.
In the sequestered garden the birds sleep peacefully, for the weather is still fine. The same sort of sleep as the child's. The remains of the salmon are offered around again. The women will devour it to the last mouthful. Their bare shoulders have the gloss and solidity of a society founded and built on the certainty of its rights, and they were chosen to fit this society. Their strict education has taught them that they must temper their excesses in the interest of their position. They stuff themselves with mayonnaise, specially prepared for this dish, forget themselves and lap it up. The men look at them and remember that therein lies their happiness.


L'Amour - Marguerite Duras

Une homme.
Il est debout, il regarde: la plage, la mer.
La mer est basse, calme, la saison est indéfinie, le temps, lent.
L'homme se trouve sur un chemin de planches posé sur le sable.
Il est habillé de vêtements sombres. Son visage est distinct.
Ses yeux sont clairs.
Il ne bouge pas. Il regarde.
La mer, la plage, il y a des flaques, des surfaces d'eau calme isolées.
Entre l'homme qui regarde et la mer, tout au bord de la mer, loin, quelqu'un marche. Un autre homme. Il est habillé de vêtements sombres. A cette distance son visage est indistinct. Il marche, il va, il vient, il va, il revient, son parcours est assez long, toujours égal.
Quelque part sur la plage, à droite de celui qui regarde, un mouvement lumineux: une flaque se vide, une source, un fleuve, des fleuves, sans réplit, alimentent le gouffre de sel.
A gauche, une femme aux yeux fermés. Assise.
L'homme qui marche ne regarde pas, rien, rien d'autre que le sable devant lui. Sa marche est incessante, régulière, lointaine.
Le triangle se ferme avec la femme aux yeux fermés. Elle est assise contre un mur qui délimite la plage vers sa fin, la ville.
L'homme qui regarde se trouve entre cette femme et l'homme qui marche au bord de la mer.
De fait de l'homme qui marche, constamment, avec une lenteur égale, le triangle se déforme, se reforme, sans se briser jamais.
Cet homme a le pas régulier d'un prisonnier.
Le jour baisse.
A man.
He stands, he watches: the beach, the sea.
The sea is low, calm, the season is indefinite, time, slow.
The man is on a raised boardwalk over the sand.
He is dressed in dark clothes. His face is distinct.
His eyes are clear.
He does not move. He watches.
The sea, the beach, there are pools, areas of calm isolated water.
Between the man who watches and the sea, at the water's edge, far away, someone walks. Another man. He is dressed in dark clothes. At this distance, his face is indistinct. He walks, he goes, he comes, he goes, he returns, his journey is quite long, always equal.

Somewhere on the beach, to the right of the watching man, a luminous movement: a pool empties, the source of a river, rivers, without bends, feeding the abyss of salt.
To the left, a woman with closed eyes. Seated. 

The man who walks sees nothing, nothing, nothing but the sand before him. His steps are constant, regular, far away. 
The triangle closes with the woman with her eyes shut. She is seated against a wall which borders the end of the beach, the town.
The man who watches is between this woman and the man walking beside the sea.
Because of the man who walks, constantly, with steady slowness, the triangle distorts, re-forms, without ever breaking.
This man has the regular steps of a prisoner.
The daylight fades.


Monday, 13 February 2012

What makes theatre so special?

"It's the only art form in which a group of people meet together in order to play a game of imagination with the actor, who invites them to imagine things, and that union makes them more intelligent than they are individually. Collectively they're sharper, they're more alive. The experience is more incandescent than if they were reading a book or a poem or listening to a piece of music by themselves. The desire to imagine something which isn't there is stronger in the theatre than in any other media. If we go and stand on the stage, which is a completely bare black box, and we speak with some clarity a piece of Julius Caesar, if we're any good at all, the audience will believe its Rome. They'll say: yes, those two guys are in Rome. If we bring a camera into the auditorium and film the two of us doing exactly the same thing in the same circumstances and we then show that piece of film, the audience will say: well, that's not Rome, that's a black void in a black box- where's Rome? In other words their imagination is not simulated by any visual imagery, which after all is the basis and strength and extraordinariness of film. I think what's really been interesting about the theatre in the last fifty years is that the increased visual media and, in a sense, the increased literalness of our age has freed the theatre to be more imaginative."
- Peter Hall from 'Talking Theatre; Interviews with Theatre People' by Richard Eyre


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Whose online?
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Try someone else
I good thanks, how are you
Etc. Etc...
Look at photos
Comment; Nice profile pic :)
Argue with friend over relevance of comment
Ask to stop commenting
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Saturday, 11 February 2012

It's frustrating

another attention-seeking, self indulgent status 
or not 
Unavailable to CHAT  
status updates-PDAs 


waste of time 
melodramatic post to over 500 friends 
poke back 
'the frustration of not caring'
why post that?
delete post from timeline 


Wednesday, 8 February 2012


Login no new notifications CHAT BAR: nope they're not online *sigh* view status updates "Martha: The awkward moment when..."*yeah the awkward moment when someone makes an "awkward moment status" that isn't awkward. [Get very annoyed] logout


I am alive.

I am alive. Or at least, I think I am. It's funny. Our lives of consciousness. Our consciousness of life. It's a funny thought...feeling; that we know so much about life, how we live...the mechanics of But it never makes any sense. So many questions about life, that no one has considered death. There are so many explanations and no definitive answer. It's this uncertainty, that makes me sure I am alive.


Social Networking is painful to watch haha jokes

log in notifications louise likes your wall post home delete poke delete poke delete poke delete poke poke back friend count: 568 profile accept friend accept friend friend count: 570 home like status comment on status hahaha hilarious :) profile friend count: 565 joss changed his relationship status to its complicated inbox send message to matt have you done the maths? stuck on Q5 send yeah I have I'll just go get it brb send [pause] home scroll scroll scroll profile [pause] log out


What I was and where I am.

I am a mover, but I haven't always been. I was born in the same way most of us are, naturally. So you would think that I was just a normal kid, thing is, I wasn't. I was deaf and I had an infection that made me unwell for years. I guess you could say I was one unhappy toddler.


Why bother?

Laugh at friend’s status 
View comments 
Smile at comments 
Notice red notification sign 
2 New Notifications: Emily and Melanie poked you. Jasmine commented on your photo. 
Click on pokes 
Poke back 
Poke back 
Click on notifications 
Look at photo 
Smile at comment 
Scroll Scroll 
Can you talk about anything else? 
Scroll Scroll 
That is so typical 
Scroll Scroll 
[Roll eyes and sigh]
Scroll Scroll 
Go back to the top
Click on Profile
Nothing has changed. Obviously.
Open chat 


Close chat 
Why bother?


Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Type email type password login decline poke accept decline poke accept decline poke accept decline poke accept click update status "Facebook SUCKS!...And this update is more annoying than ever....I'll see you all on Twitter!" post logout



Email password login 1 new notification some random liked your photo nice of her wait who is she? delete as friend home scroll scroll scroll scroll like refresh scroll refresh scroll scroll go online no-one interesting online go offl- 'HEYY!!!! XX' drat suppose it would be rude not to reply 'hey' send 'wuu2?xx' god, that's not even English 'sorry?' send 'what you up to? :p xx' oh I see. On facebook? Obviously? Is there another response? 'Nothing much. You?' send 'nothing much :P how's you xx' bored out of my mind? No polite response to such appalling grammar. Log out (a good 10 seconds passes) email password login why am I addicted to this nonsense?



Check notifications:
Notifications(4): 1) Rosie poked you. 2) Meredith posted a link on your wall. 3) Sara and 4 others liked your status. 4) Martha commented on her status.
Poke Rosie back. 
Like and comment on Meredith's link.
Check my status.
Comment on Martha's status.

'Oh, i have homework' 


Wait one hour.

Repeat action.