Bee's...What is it about them that makes them scary? The ominous buzzing? The fact that they have a stinger the size of a needle? The colour yellow? All of these are reasons as to why I fear them...To be fair..I'm scared of needles too...But not the Simpsons...Well, not the first 10 seasons, the episodes after that are terrible, but I suppose that's not really a fear. Why is it after a programme runs for a while it becomes incredibly stale? Do the writers get bored and not bother? Maybe it's because the Simpsons is only set in one location and therefore there isn't much more you CAN write...
Did you notice? I went off topic..."Why?" you may ask? Simple! I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT BEES! Would you like to talk about your fear? Yeah, didn't think so!
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