Tuesday 31 January 2012

50 words of me

What is a name?

An autobiography is so much better than a biography, for two reasons:
  1. It is a personal account which isn’t warped by what the media wrote from interviews
  2. Its got auto in the name, and we all love automated things

I was born in the name of some herb-ologist I never knew, or would ever meet. My name has been a significant factor in my life, people seem to enjoy saying it and people enjoy mispronouncing it.
So currently I am known as:
  1. Raoul
  2. Rail
  3. Raul
  4. Rowan
  5. Ryan
  6. James
  7. Seth
But I only own one of these names, the rest I am just borrowing. Yet my name shall always be mine, until the end.
Anyway, 'We we're all put on this planet for a reason', my opinion on that is we are all here to ultimately leave. Like a train to a station, we are only here to leave and maybe one day return.


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