Tuesday 17 January 2012

The conformity of self

In every group of friends you either have the one who doesn't care or the one who tries to beat you at everything. It's rare that one person has both, but it can happen, if you don't know someone like that it's quite likely it's you...However you COULD be lucky not to have one, and therefore it wouldn't be you....It's just VERY unlikely!

Anyway, there's allways the one who doesn't care, they could say "How are you" you could respond by saying "Not great, you see my father die..." then they would interupt by saying something along the lines of "Yeah, I don't really care, bye!" then they'd leave...

Then there's the one who tries to beat you by having the WORST thing happen. You could say "My father died last night" and they would say something along the lines off "Oh that's nothing, I scratched my boat this weekend, it was the worst thing that's ever happened to me, that 1centimeter scratch has completely ruined the shine" then under your breath you're thinking "You don't have a f***ing boat, you b***h"

Anyway, getting to the point of this, conformity of self, it's the conformity to put up with your friends' annoying habits, or as I like to call it, the conformity to stop yourself from punching them REALLY hard...or something along those lines (Especially if they're like what I mentioned above!), since they're the biggest annoyance and the rudest person in the world at that moment in time...It HAS happened to you, I guarrentee it.


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