Tuesday 31 January 2012

'Is conformity the new individuality: Is Generation Z doomed to be defined by labels and definitions?'

'Generation Z'- The 'internet generation', often referred to the children born between the mid-1990's and present.
Every generation, in one way or another, has sought its own identifying feature--a style, a sound, or an event that can, essentially, sum up a culture in a particular place and time. For example, though the sixties certainly had more than hippies and flower power, many define the "love" generation by one important event, Woodstock. 

Generation Z however, can be summed up by events such as 9/11 or 7/7 (the London bombing attacks on the 7th of July 2005). It is far from peace and love. However, I think Generation Z can be defined more simply and less tragically by its very need to be defined; essentially, many teens and young adults define themselves by a definition, a word or phrase that makes them who they are. So, is conformity the modern interpretation of individuality? Is Generation Z defined by nothing more than its very need to be a definition--an -ism or a label?

Labels have always existed and they are vast in number: nerd, geek, goth, jock, feminist, anarchist, or any variation of a culture or stereotype. However, in recent years, things have shifted, and everyone is vying for their chance to be "part of the crowd." But nowadays individuals are defined not only by what they do, but what they don't do e.g. vegetarians are, obviously, those who do not eat meat. Individuals pursue these lifestyles but, for how long? Do we have a permanent label?   
All are in a need to "belong."...except black sheep.


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