Wednesday 22 February 2012

the bin men

(Peach Ice-Tea)

Tomorrow is not certain.

But it will be unique. I am quite sure of this.

Tomorrow will not happen for all.

I’ll admit that the structure of tomorrow will be quite the same as today.

Tomorrow is [Thursday].

But tomorrow will not be tomorrow. It will be today.

It will still be [Thursday].

It is never as good as I think it will be, because it is not tomorrow, it is today.

Looking forward is wonderful.

I’m not overly sure that tomorrow even exists.

It has an annoying habit of continually turning into today.

Only little things change from day to day.

The little things that will happen and be soon forgot.

But I hope tomorrow to be different.

I wonder if Dad’s bought some milk.

If he hasn’t, then I’m not having cereal tomorrow.

Tomorrow is a recurring theme in my life.

It’s like ‘Waiting for Godot’. It is waiting for Godot.

For once, I’d like to reject tomorrow…

Cast it out.

Not even care or think about it.

Like a forgotten soldier.

Tomorrow doesn’t exist!

There is only one state – the present. The now.

The past is a memory. The now gone forever.

Tomorrow is at best: a guess.

But tomorrow the bin men will block my bus again.

Tomorrow means the milk goes off.

Tomorrow is an early start.

Tomorrow is an apology.

There will be no surprises!

I’d quite like to not be tired.

Tomorrow is tomorrow and today is today.

Tomorrow I will buy a ham and cheese sandwich and a peach ice-tea.

I will ask at least three people how their day was and pretend to listen to the answer.

I will wake up, stare in the mirror, run the tap in my bathroom sink until it is full, take a deep breath, and stick my head in.

Precious time.

I think tomorrow I will go for a walk.


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