Sunday 5 February 2012

Water biscuit.

I am.............

I am. What? What actually am I? To be brutally honest I have not the faintest. Not to sound contrived but the truth of the matter is I don’t know myself at all. This fact has lead to many inconviences and misunderstandings during my short stint on this earth. But why I ask should we be expected to know who we are? Personally I reckon I’m to young to know, I have yet to experience the world, to really see it in context. Look at it this way, we are products. More over, I am a product. Firstly of my genes and secondly of my environment. But in my opinion I haven’t had enough of an environment. Or at least the sort I would have liked, the type that may have caused me to be at least a little bit interesting. I think my existence at the moment, myself that is, is horribly mundane. I suppose what I’m trying to get away from is this: I am a white, middle class, privately educated, guardian reading liberal. I’m the culinary equivalent of a water biscuit. This is all well and good if you like that sort of thing but for my part I’ve always wanted to be something more. I want to have some sense of quirky individualism, which I seem to lack, or at least have a character more suited to radical and challenging thinking. I have tried. Ohhh believe me I’ve tried. There was that short lived but much quoted ‘Goth’ faze. Even the short attempt at being an alternative minded vegie. (Before I realised I could not function without bacon!) Time and time again I have tried and failed to achieve a quirky persona. I am what I have said boring, bland, mundane. And do you know what I think I’m ok with that, I can live with dull because I’ll tell you what, there’s a dam sight less black lipstick involved.


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