Wednesday 15 February 2012

Chinese Whispers

Secrets don't exist. A secret, essentially is a fact and nothing else. A fact you keep to your self or, alternatively blurt out to everyone you meet. We have this need to tell this fact to people, whether this is for comfort or to gain something I am not sure.

If you are asked that infamous question 'can you keep a secret?' what should your answer be? It is clear that by this person asking if you can keep a secret it is fair to suggest that they cannot. It is just one big game of chinese whispers, the question is, do you really want to play?

We live in a society that is haunted by other peoples secrets, and it is not just this which is worrying. Has it been made clear to you that the word 'privacy' is becoming extinct. No one trusts anyone and at all times, no matter where you are you are being watched, and not just by other people, by camera's as well.

Soon words will be lifted from the dictionary as they will no longer exist...
are words of the past, and we need to decide whether we are ok with this, or not.

Secrets don't exist. Fact.


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