Wednesday 15 February 2012

Stay on Topic...

© John Sherffius

Newspapers don't have secrets; they just have unreported news. The same for Tv and Radio. In the Anonymous protests and the Occupy protests, the news reported the first couple of days and then simply dropped it from every report!
The protests went on for months – through Christmas and New years.
Here on the small island of Jersey; I once believed that the protests were over!
Unreported News is the worst kind of secret.
The invention of the 'follow-up' article was the death of journalism.

Is Censorship a secret?
Censorship is used to protect us?
What if I don't want this 'protection', where’s the opt-out button?
Sure you can report on the horrible deaths, killings and genocides, but when an individual speaks out against the government, ██ CENSORED ██

When is a secret illegal?
Plotting to bomb a bank is just as bad as actually destroying the bank?
A 'Terrorist' plot is just as bad as a 'Terrorist' attack‽
'Terrorism' is a word we know too little about, the word the media taught us.
They use it to keep us in place.
I can film in the town square, because 'Terrorists' may use the footage to plan a bombing! I'm not allowed toothpaste on a plane because 'Terrorists' may use it to create a bomb!

Stepping out of line in public means you're a 'Terrorist'. Climbing that statue in the park means you're a 'Terrorist'!

“Get down, it's dangerous, you could hurt yourself” the policeman says.
You're a policeman, I could tell you that your profession is dangerous, that you could hurt yourself!

I've gone a bit off topic...
Appearances hide secrets.
I'm not as well read as I present myself.
I'm not as smart, I just pretend I am.
I don't have opinions, just what I read and what the government tells me.

I can never stay on topic, but that's no secret. 


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