Thursday 16 February 2012


It's human nature to want to know secrets. Curiosity is such a very human trait, though we are far from the only species to experience it, and it's curiosity that drives us to learn. To learn the traits and secrets of others, as if by doing so we make ourselves intrinsically linked to the other person and their thoughts. Those basic human instincts often do battle with more modern aspects of humanity: guilt, morality, duty, respect. Sometimes when we gain knowledge we immediately wish to give it back.

But what is seen cannot be unseen. What is heard cannot be unheard. What is spoken cannot be unsaid. You cannot undo the past. Once that thought, that idea is created in the open world - it cannot be destroyed.

Sharing a secret is sharing trust. Showing that you trust someone enough to give them some responsibility for that secret.

When you have a secret, it is often so very hard not to share it, to share the load. Like spreading butter on toast so it's not stuck in one lump. And if you want to share it badly enough, it will melt away, out of your control. Things will start to slip. But if the need to keep that secret is through your whole consciousness, your whole being, then it will not slip away - for the bread will not have been toasted.


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