Thursday 16 February 2012

Whispers behind locked doors.

The best-kept secret is the one you keep  your self. It strikes me that secrets and lies tend to go together. What do we associate with that word? Dark rooms, hushed voices, shadowy figures. The idea behind the ‘secret’ Strikes me as a very film noir concept. Detectives. Their job to uncover the facts and truths those, which would best be left alone. There are secret makers and secret solvers. The are also the secret breakers. It’s impossible to mend a broken one. Once it’s been told no amount of effort will mend it. A secret is like Humpty Dumpty. Is your thought is far less concealed than you sub-conscious which can be analysed by any number of physiologists but still remain an enigma. The best secret keeper is the one who forgets. If one party has forgotten and thus only the original party is aware of the fact is it still by definition a secret? Does it lose its status? Or because one person is still aware of it being told retains it by default? If a product claims to be the ‘Worst kept secret’ I mistrust it. Why? Because why go to all that expense and bother to be the worst secret keeper. Their not trying to keep it any more thus it has ceased. They failed in one aspect how can I expect that they will succeed in others? How can I trust them now? Is the intent greater than the thing itself?


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