Wednesday 15 February 2012

Lost and Found

I suppose a secret is what we almost certainly can't keep.
As much as I try, a secret is my guilty instinct of sharing and while I know it can't be told because it's not mine, I feel the need to share. 
Secrets are maybe the bonds and breaks of friendship, what we hide and what we share immediately give us a persona and deliberate intentions of right and wrong. 
Secrets scare us because they take away our comforts and first thoughts.
They make us interpret people in different ways, and confirm our being.
Secrets force us to conform or go against what is wanted and yet they just seem to bleak our happiness. 
What we think will help another only makes our thoughts worse. 
Secrets are lost and found like memories and change us for better or worse. 
A secret is a gift and a curse, you can be trusted but untrustworthy, it can be a lie but told with truth.


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