Wednesday 22 February 2012


If you have a secret, then forget it. Or ensure that it does not remain a secret for very long. Secrets are essentially pieces of information kept away from the public eye for a limited time. For remains secret for very long. we are only immortal for a limited time, in other words, we can only hold onto a secret as long as we still breath. We do everything to hold onto it, even though we will one day lose it. Think of it as like a hedgehog in the headlights of a car. It will do everything to avoid it, but that car will hit it. The impact itself then represents the end of the secret, and the birth of another public fact, thus ending the secret. So in other words, don't bother with secrets, it's something we will never be able to fully get to grips with, the concept will forever avoid us.
All for the fact that the lust for knowledge drives us in our everyday pursuits in life.


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