Thursday 16 February 2012

Memories and Mistakes

 I am myself because it's the only person who understands me,
I can't write me on paper but who I think I am is different.
What I used to be and who I am now is an influence of fifteen years experience...
but that time keeps moving forward.
What I thought was an easy task of writing has turned my head into a frenzy because that is who I am.
I am different and yet I am the same.
I am so very hard to understand I begin to question myself.
I am silly and I am clumsy and I am frustrating,
I am my memories and mistakes.
I haven't always the confidence to be myself but I can be whoever I want to be.
I am the beginning and the end.
I can hide
I can put a smile on my face
I am the person you think I am.


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