Monday 5 March 2012

1 sided

I'm not sure I want to be your friend anymore.

I'm not even sure we are anyway. But I want to let you know. Those hugs I give you. Thats not real. A real hug doesn't go like that. Life doesn't go like that. It's got to the point. That point when I ask who you are to me. You are there, is the answer. Always there. Pretending to be my friend. But what can I tell you? How my day has gone, perhaps? How much I loved the Weetabix I had for breakfast, or how badly I did in that English exam when I know I aced it? This is the reality of it all. You probably feel the same. Yes. I'm always there too. I'm as significant to you as you are to me. I guess we just haven't seen each others' light. A bit in the dark maybe. Or just in the pitch black. It always feels like a 1 sided conversation. 1 mind. 1 voice. And that is the extent.

There is no future in this.


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