Friday 23 March 2012

Religion- Matthew's view

'Religion is the reason for violence' 
No you're wrong. It is why people hold on and carry on their day for. Who are you to say they are wrong. It brings joy to people and their communities. 
'I'm an atheist, there is no God' 
No your wrong, although we don't have proof that there is a higher power, people believe it, it effects them and their actions effect you. Those actions make God. Your argument makes God real. 
Religion is private for a reason. 
A contrast in opinions compels an argument. 
I am not christian or atheist nor any other religion. I don't know what I am. I don't feel the need to label myself and i lack the faith and strength to believe something above myself. 
But i love religion and what it teaches. 
I don't agree with the church about many decisions or views like abortion or stem cell research. But I love our differences. 
I have friends who are highly religious. Christian, Hindu and Atheist.
They are all happy and kind. I have view or opinion on their religion, I just judge them as a person.


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