Sunday 11 March 2012


Being scared is natural. It's just instinct; the point of it is self-preservation, to keep you safe. Protect from danger. Some are rational others are not. For example I am personally, petrified of poultry. For the simple reason that they are, biologically, the closest living animal to dinosaurs. Chickens are dinosaurs. Don't get me wrong I don't think that chicken will turn into a T-rex, but I’m still distrustful. Some phobias can be explained others can't, some can be conquered others never will. And most stem form experience. Someone once said "The only thing to fear is fear it's self". I think that's rather simple minded. Whoever it was obviously had not been to the circus or ever gone pot holing. They make us who we are, they are a part of us. But I don't care what you say CHICKENS ARE STILL RELATED TO VELOCIRAPTORS. 


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