Wednesday 7 March 2012

volume control

Shouting isn't conversing.
You may think it is.
But it just isn't.
implies something two people have mutually agreed to enter into.
I never said you could shout at me. You just do, and I pretend to listen. That is not a conversation.

I miss it
with you
Before you decided that shouting was the best way of getting your point across.

People who shout shouldn't be listened to, they don't deserve to be heard. It's
the whisperers
you want to listen out for.
They usually have something more interesting to say.

People who shout think that they are exerting some kind of power,
but to me
you just look weak and scared and vulnerable.
All you prove is your lung capacity.
'I admire your vocal cords, they work so hard.'
Shouting does not make you superior.
Your words are no more important than my words. They do not have weight
prestige, or any
consequence, just because you shout them.

Your words are the same as my words
Just in a different order
and louder.


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