Thursday 22 March 2012


David Cameron is a twat.
Margeret Thatcher is a twat.
Nick Clegg is a twat.
David Cameron is, once again, a twat.

I don't like politicians... incase you hadn't noticed. Well, not all of them. I liked Mo, she was good.

Mainly, well, because the fact is, that they should reperesent the people, and they simply don't. The majority don't understand how most people don't always have money. That people need support, help. They do not.
     And, because they do not, they become immune to the normal ways of life, oblivious to the fact that many families can't afford to sent their children to university. Or to the so called "PUBLIC" schools, which, it must be said are one of the most innappropriately named things in the world. They don't seem to understand how wealth isn't intelligence, how wealth isn't enough.
   So they spend their time, not doing as they should, but instead removing the money out of the working man's pocket and using it to line their own.
     They are immune to the injustices of the world. They're still sending more and more troops into war zones, cutting more and more benifits, stopping children learning, the sick recieving treatment...the poor for leading good lives.
     I'm sure that a lot of politicians started off fresh-faced and willing to save the world, but that clearly turned to shit.
They just don't give a fuck. Fact.


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