Thursday 22 March 2012


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 I don't think it's important what your religion is. Not to anyone but yourself. Or at least; it shouldn't be. Some people make a big deal out of religion. There are those that are extremely atheistic, and in that almost seem to discriminate against those with beliefs. Then there are those who are extremely religious, and not only believe, but pressure others into believing. That's just as bad! I think people can believe whatever they wish to, religion to many makes them feel supported and safe - only a good thing surely? It's when it's used as a tool or an excuse to hurt or to break society's rules and make others uncomfortable or scared, that it is not acceptable. If it helps you - fine, good! But sometimes it goes too far. There is a time and a place for it, but in modern society that place is not the public eye. Sometimes it is in the media, but unfortunately not for the right reasons. Beliefs that cause people to open fire on a school. To hijack an aeroplane. To blow up a building. Things like this make people scared of religion. In our world of political correctness, its place is quickly vanishing.


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