Thursday 22 March 2012

Body Image

At least once a day some tells me they are fat. Ironically, they normally aren't. I don't know whether they say it because they seek attention or they truly believe it. Either way, I have given up telling them they aren't. Humans or never satisfied. We always want what someone else has got. Straight hair, nicer clothes, to be taller. Or smaller. I don't know when body image became taboo. Because it didn't used to be. Going back it was a status symbol, what we judged people on before they even opened their mouths. Come to think of it, it still is. So why can't we talk about it? I don't know. It seems stupid. If we all do it, judge people on their appearance, then why can't we talk about it? Because we are afraid. Afraid of our judgments being judged.


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