Wednesday 7 March 2012

Brick wall

A: I want to be able to talk to people, without there being some kind of language barrier, don't you agree?
B: ... Um sure
A: I hate it when someone doesn't understand what I am saying to them.
B: ...
A: It's like to a brick wall... Its pointless!
B: Brick Wall? I don't...
A: Unless of course there is someone on the other side, I guess that could be ok, a little weird, sure, but ok.
B: I don't know what yo- (cut off)
A: What do you think? Oh err... Whats your name again?
B: What?
A: Name, like err what your called?
B: I err can't speak English very well... What are you saying?
A: (Pause) Brilliant! So all this time I have been talking to a brick wall.
B: What? Brick wall? Err...
A: (Pause) Well this has been pointless! I'm leaving. (Exit A)
B: Oh thank god I'd thought they'd never leave! (looks around and walks off, smiling)


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