Monday 5 March 2012

A conversation for some actors. Or something

B: I've never seen so many.
A: So many..?
B: So many words, it's weird to see them all written down. For us to say, I suppose.
A: Do you know what would be really good? If someone wrote down all of the words and what they meant. I would pay good money for that. Well, I would pay money for that.
A: Did you mean that?
B: What?
A: When you said that you've never seen so many words.
B: No, I was lying.
(A looks at B)
B: Yes, the one thing I wanted to keep from you is that I have seen a whole lot of words. You caught me.
A: You really are...just...
B: Do you need some words? I have plenty...Let's start with 'A'; Archipelago or Archipelago depending on your preference. Ape. Ambitious. Alien. Alveoli..
A: Stop it.
B: I was helping. (Pause) With my words.
A: Mocking me with your words.
B: I have plenty more. We haven't even scratched the surface of 'A'
A: Will you give it a rest?
B: Aardvark is the first word.


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